The Reiki Touch

By William Lee Rand

IMPORTANT! We stream this item from our Vimeo OTT platform. To order, you must create an account. NOTE: Customers in mainland China may have problems opening this product due to network restrictions. 注意,由于网络限制问题,如在中国大陆地区,您可能无法打开。请谨慎购买。

PLEASE NOTE! Upon purchase of this product, you will receive a confirmation email containing links for online access to a digital version of the 100-page THE REIKI TOUCH workbook and for downloading a PDF version of the 30 illustrated Reiki Instructional Cards to print and trim your deck; instructions included. If you do not receive the confirmation email, please check your spam folder before contacting the ICRT office at [email protected].

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The video and audio files, workbook, and Reiki cards in the digital version of THE REIKI TOUCH are for the exclusive use of the person who purchases the complete streaming version. Sharing with others is prohibited. Printing or downloading the digital workbook is not an available option. Online viewing only!


You will receive:
• A 60-minute video featuring instruction on hand positions, scanning techniques, and advanced use of Reiki to see auras and past lives.
• Three guided audio meditations to strengthen your Reiki energy, deepen your healing experience, and encourage connection with a spiritual guide.
• 30 illustrated Reiki Instructional Cards useful as a divination tool to discover which hand positions, symbols, or techniques to use for healing specific conditions.
• The 100-page THE REIKI TOUCH workbook, with detailed information on every aspect of Reiki, from basic instruction to advanced techniques for creating energetic boundaries for your spiritual protection, enhancing your creativity and problem-solving skills, and much more.
• 79 minutes of heartfelt music selections ideally suited for treatments.

If you have felt the power of Reiki and want to broaden your experience, you now have the most extensive resource available for strengthening your practice of this extraordinary healing art. With THE REIKI TOUCH, Reiki Master William Lee Rand combines the advantages of video, audio, reference cards, and written instruction to provide a comprehensive set of tools for uncovering Reiki’s most potent secrets. From mastering the fundamental hand positions for healing to using the advanced techniques of Byōsen scanning and Gyōshi Ho—sending Reiki through the eyes—he provides the essential keys to Reiki for beginners and advanced practitioners alike.

As one of the premier authorities on Reiki in the West, William Lee Rand has guided thousands of students through every level of Reiki training. Now, this renowned teacher invites you to discover your ability to harness Reiki in ways beyond traditional, advanced student instruction. Whether you are a long-time Reiki practitioner or have just received your first attunement, THE REIKI TOUCH will provide the training and understanding you need to excel at this increasingly popular healing art. It includes ideas and techniques he learned from others and those he developed independently, practiced, and taught effectively since 1989. The basics of Reiki are clearly explained, including self-treatment, treating others, the symbols, sending Reiki at a distance, and several advanced Reiki techniques.

The one-hour video includes:

TREATING OTHERS: Learn how to give a complete treatment correctly using all the standard hand positions, including detailed descriptions of the glands, organs, and chakras treated in each position.

SELF-TREATMENT: Follow along with the self-treatment demonstration as it provides detailed descriptions of the glands, organs, and chakras treated in each hand position with additional suggestions to increase the strength of your Reiki, help you relax more deeply, and improve the effectiveness of the treatment. This presentation is an excellent way to learn the hand positions while giving yourself a treatment.

BYŌSEN SCANNING: A Japanese Reiki Technique, Byōsen scanning uses the sensitivity in your hands to discover where the client most needs Reiki. The simple demonstration has straightforward instructions, making it easy for anyone to learn this technique. Also explained is an advanced method that combines Byōsen scanning with Gyōshi Ho, enabling the student to scan with the eyes.

GYŌSHI HO: Another Japanese Reiki Technique, Gyōshi Ho, involves sending Reiki with the eyes. This technique enables you to send Reiki to anyone you can see, such as a person on the other side of a room or outdoors. Gyōshi Ho is an excellent technique for treating children during play, sending Reiki to your various body parts, or during a regular hands-on treatment to send additional Reiki to your hand placements or other areas.

SEEING AURAS AND PAST LIVES: This technique has been highly successful, with over 95% of students getting results on the first try! Based on Gyōshi Ho, there are several reasons it works so well. First, because you are sending Reiki to the person’s aura, Reiki strengthens their aura, making it easier to see. Second, because you are sending Reiki with the eyes, the perceptive ability of the eyes merges with the higher dimensional nature of the Reiki energy, thus raising the vibration of the eyes and making it possible to see the aura and past life imagery. The video’s demonstration and simple instructions make it easy to understand and get results. This technique can be used with a partner or alone while looking in a mirror.

HEALING SESSION: At the end of the video, William Lee Rand beams Reiki directly to the viewer, using his eyes and hands. You will receive a Reiki treatment by simply sitting in front of the screen.

The training program includes 30 uniquely designed cards that suggest a Reiki hand position, technique, meditation, or symbol. You can use them like flashcards to help you learn the various aspects of Reiki or to do a Reiki card reading. By following the instructions, you will use the cards along with the intuitive power of Reiki to guide you to the best hand position(s), symbol(s), or technique(s) to treat a specific issue—for yourself or others. So often, when we need healing, the stress of the situation inhibits our ability to call on the full range of available healing tools and techniques. The Reiki Instructional Cards allow you to call on higher wisdom to guide your use of Reiki. William Rand has used his homemade version of these cards for years, saying, “It is uncanny how helpful and revealing they can be.” The cards are a PDF download with printing and trimming instructions for creating your deck.

There are three Reiki meditations. As you listen to the meditations while giving yourself Reiki, you are guided into higher states of consciousness and offered new healing skills and energies. The first meditation increases the strength and effectiveness of your Reiki energy, deepens your healing process, and presents the opportunity to connect with an enlightened being as your spiritual guide. The second is a meditation for spiritual protection and creates a field of Reiki energy that surrounds you and protects you from all negative influences. The last meditation is on spiritual guidance, creativity, and problem-solving. Wonderfully soothing music by Nawang Khechog, a Tibetan flute player and composer, plays in the background of the meditations, along with a slideshow of peaceful landscape photos.

This item is a collection of 14 background music selections for use during Reiki treatments, featuring the music of Nawang Khechog. It includes an accompanying slideshow of peaceful landscape photos.

The digital 100-page workbook contains detailed information on every aspect of Reiki, from basic instruction to advanced techniques. Chapters include the definition of Reiki, how it heals, and its origin as a healing practice. Also, how to give a Reiki treatment with hand positions for self-treatment and treating others; the Reiki symbols, Byōsen scanning, Gyōshi Ho, sending Reiki with the eyes; using Reiki for spirit release, creativity, and problem-solving; receiving spiritual guidance and spiritual protection; Reiki and world peace, and more. Printing or downloading the digital workbook is not an option. Online viewing only.

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