Japanese Reiki Techniques Workshop

Japanese Reiki Techniques Workshop

With Frank Arjava Petter and Chetna Kobayashi

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This streaming 2 hour video contains all of the Japanese Reiki techniques practiced by Dr. Usui including: Gassho, Reiji ho, byósen scanning, gyoshi ho, Joshin Kokyuu Ho, Shu Chu Reiki, Reiki Mawashi, kenyoku, Hesso Chiryo, Jacki-kiri Joka-ho, and much more.

This video workshop contains all the exercises and techniques from the JRT workshop taught by Chetna and Arjava including most of those Dr. Usui taught to his students. They are clearly explained and you can replay them and practice them over and over until you have them completely mastered. We are convinced that you will love the simplicity and power of these techniques and that you will want to incorporate them into your daily life. Arjava and Chetna have done an incredible professional job in making the presentation of their material informative, enjoyable and timeless.

The information in this video has come from research done in Japan including the translation of Dr. Usui’s Reiki handbook that he gave to all his students and other original Japanese documents as well as interviews with members of the Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai - the organization started by Dr. Usui that is still functioning in Tokyo, Japan. All the exercises are clearly explained and demonstrated so you can start doing them now!

This video is sold for personal use only. By watching you can review all the exercises as often as you want and practice until you have mastered them.

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Japanese Reiki Techniques Workshop